Plano Analítico de Inglês – 8ª Classe/ I Trimestre/2024

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Encontre aqui o Plano Analítico de Inglês da 8ª Classe do 1º Trimestre do ano 2024 para baixar em formato Word, de forma grátis. – 1º Ciclo do Ensino secundário de Moçambique

Plano Analítico de Agropecuária -7ª Classe/ I Trimestre/2024
República de Moçambique

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Plano Analítico de Inglês – 8ª Classe – I Trimestre – Ano: 2024

Dates  Number of the lessonsUnitsContentsLearning Objectives (Students will…)Learning Results  (Students will be able to….)Aid Material
01- 02 – 02 – 02  3        Introduction  Presentation of the teacher and learners;Brief considerations about the subject;Verb to be (Present and past tenses)Know each other and vice –versa;Be aware of the topics to be taught during the first term;Explain the usage of verb to be in the present, Past, future, affirmative, negative and interrogative forms) Review greetings and introductions;Introduce themselves to one another to know each other;Research the provided topics before to show up school;Apply correctly verb to be in their daily life.  School Basic Material and other essential resources
05- 02 – 09- 02  3I English in MozambiqueMajor languages in the world (English, French, Spanish, Mandarin, Portuguese, etc.); § The importance of English in Mozambique;Talk about major languages in the world;- Identify English speaking countries around Mozambique;Identify the importance of learning English in Mozambique.Identify the major languages in the world; Ask and answer questions about the importance of English in Mozambique;Name English speaking countries surrounding Mozambique;School Basic Material and other essential resources
12 – 02 – 16  -02  3I English in MozambiqueGrammar Present and past simple of verb to be – reviewConnectors (and, but, because and or);Identify the structure of the present and past simple tenses; Complete the sentences using verb to be;Identify the usage of connectors;Write sentences using connectors in their daily life;   Use present and past simple of verb to be in their entire life; Build their own sentences applying the learned connectors.School Basic Material and other essential resources
19 – 02 – 23 – 02  3I English in MozambiqueModals (can/can’t ; could; must/mustn’t; might; shall/should….);Adverbs of frequency (sometimes; rarely; always……)Identify the usage of modal verbs; write sentences with different modal verbs;. Pinpoint the adverbs of frequency;Apply modal verbs in their daily life;Write sentences using adverbs of frequency.School Basic Material and other essential resources
26- 02 – 01 – 03  3II Modern and Traditional MedicineREADING AND COMPREHENSION Modern and traditional medicine Vocabulary related to modern and traditional medicine  Present continuous-revisionCompare and contrast modern and traditional medicine;Identify the differences between doctors and traditional medicine;Acquire new vocabulary;Identify the structure of the P.C.Distinguish modern and traditional medicine; Explain pros and cons of modern and traditional medicine;School Basic Material and other essential resources
04- 03 – 08 – 03  3I English in Mozambique II Modern and Traditional Medicine      1st written testMeasure the level of their understanding concerning the material taught;Put into practice the contents learned;Find out the relationship between the test and the contents learned.Answer perfectly the given tasks;Discover their strength and weakness in the taught themes.School Basic Material and other essential resources
11- 03 – 15 – 03  3II Modern and Traditional Medicine      Reading and comprehension The differences between doctors and traditional, religious healers ; Grammar: Future – going to / will/shall;Identify the differences between doctors and traditional and religious healers; Identify the structure of the future simple (going to, will and shall)Discuss the impact of faith in curing spiritual diseases; Use correctly the future expressionsSchool Basic Material and other essential resources
18 – 03 – 22 – 03  3II Modern and Traditional Medicine  Modern & Traditional medicine Disadvantages of self-medication; Grammar Adjectives (Degrees of Comparison ); Note: use a summarized table.  Talk about disadvantages of self-medication;Identify de structure of degrees of comparison (comparative degree of: superiority; superlative; equality; inferiority …..)Explain the consequences of self-medication;Use correctly all the learnt degrees of comparison in their daily activities.School Basic Material and other essential resources
25 – 03 – – 03  3II Modern and Traditional Medicine  Latest development in modern medicine ; Grammar Conditionals (zero and first); Quantifiers (few/a few, some, many).Discuss how medicine has made differences on our lives;- Talk about the latest developments in modern medicine.Pinpoint the structure of conditional sentences;Identify the usage of few, a few, some and many.Express concerns on different ways of preventing and curing diseases through modern and traditional medicine;Explain the impact of modern developments in medicine in people’s lives (heart transplant, plastic surgery, artificial limbs).Apply conditional sentences their daily talking; Use differently the taught quantifiers (few, many and some.)School Basic Material and other essential resources
01 – 04 – 05 – 04  3      I and II Units        2nd Written testMeasure the level of their understanding concerning to the taught contents;Put into practice the contents learned;Find out the relationship between the taught and the evaluated contents.Answer perfectly the given tasks;Discover their strength and weakness in the taught themesSchool Basic Material and other essential resources
08- 04 – 12 – 04  3III Customs and traditionsImportance and impact of traditions, customs and rites;    Grammar  Adverbs (frequency, time, contrast);Talk about the importance and impact of traditions, customs and rites; Identify the different uses of the adverbs of Frequency, time & contrast.Consolidation for last test preparation.Ask and answer questions about traditions, customs and rites; Apply adverbs of frequency, time and contrast in the daily learners conversation; Build own sentences using the taught adverbs.  School Basic Material and other essential resources
15 – 04 – 19 – 04  3III Customs and traditionsPreparation for the trimestral written testIdentify areas of their difficulties;Revise areas of their difficulties.Composition – revision;Point out their doubts;Consolidate the revised topics;Do the test successfully;School Basic Material and other essential resources
22 – 04 – 26 – 04  3III Customs and traditionsTrimestral written testMeasure the level of their understanding concerning to the tested contents;Put into practice the contents learnt;Answer perfectly the given tasks;Discover their strength and weakness in the taught themes.School Basic Material and other essential resources
29 – 04 – 03 – 05  3I.II&III.Correction and Delivery of the trimestral written test;Marks discussion and final average.Measure the degree of answering questions;Find out the relationship between the test and the content taught;Be aware of the final marks (average).Discover their weakness and find out a way to overcome their difficulties;Discover their weakness and their strength in the written test;Do Self-term performance evaluation.School Basic Material and other essential resources

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