Plano Analítico de Inglês – 8ª Classe/ II Trimestre/2024

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Encontre aqui o Plano Analítico de Inglês da 8ª Classe do 2º Trimestre do ano 2024 para baixar em formato Word, de forma grátis. – 1º Ciclo do Ensino secundário de Moçambique

Plano Analítico de Agropecuária -7ª Classe/ I Trimestre/2024
República de Moçambique

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Plano Analítico de Inglês – 8ª Classe – II Trimestre – Ano: 2024

. Scheme of Work       .Subject: English Language            .Term: Second                  Year: 2024                  Grade: 8                     
Dates Number of the lessonsUnitsContentsLearning Objectives (Students will…)Learning Results  (Students will be able to….)Aid Material
20- 05 – 24 – 05  3  III     Customs and traditions  READING & COMPREHENSION Initiation rites and traditional ceremonies; Grammar Review connectors (and, but, because and or);  Identify different initiation rites and traditional ceremonies; Identify the usage of the following connectors: and; but; because and or.  Identify and talk about traditions, customs and rites in their community; Describe ceremonies of:birth; ‐ initiation rites;School Basic Material and other essential resources
27- 05 – 31- 05  3III Customs and traditions  Roles played by boys and girls in different community activities;Sequence markers (First, second, after/that before, then, finally, etc.);Identify the specific activities played by boys and girls in a specific ceremonies;Pinpoint the usage of sequence markers.Describe ceremonies of: ‐ wedding; ‐ funeral; Apply the learnt sequence markers in their daily speech.School Basic Material and other essential resources
03 – 06 – 07  – 06  3III Customs and traditions  READING AND COMPREHENSION Ways of addressing social norms;Review adverbs of manner;Mention different ways of addressing social norms;Identify adverbs of manner.Distinguish and use formal and informal language; Ask and answer question about social issues such as love, marriage, employment; Explain the importance of mutual respect;Use adverbs of manner in their daily talking.School Basic Material and other essential resources
10 – 06 – 14 – 06  3III Customs and traditions  Sex and sexually transmitted disease; Modal verbs (would and should);   Ask and answer questions about sexually transmitted diseases;Identify ways to prevent sexually transmitted diseases; Identify the function of “would and should”;Discuss issues related to sex and sexually transmitted disease (STD).Apply modal verbs in their daily reality.School Basic Material and other essential resources
17- 06 – 21 – 06  3III Customs and traditions  Preparation for the 1st   written testReview the taught units; Identify their doubts;Do group or individual work; Review compositions rules.Do the evaluation easily;Empower their knowledge;Write composition respecting semantic and syntax rules.School Basic Material and other essential resources
24- 06 – 28 – 06  3III Customs and traditions        1st written testMeasure the level of their understanding concerning the material taught;Put into practice the contents learned;Find out the relationship between the test and the contents learned.Answer perfectly the given tasks;Discover their strength and weakness in the taught themes.School Basic Material and other essential resources
01- 07 – 05 – 07  3IV Farming        Reading and comprehension Types of farming;Importance of growing crops and raising animals; Grammar Review definite and indefinite articles.  Explain the importance of farming;- Describe the conditions for farming;Pinpoint definite and indefinite articles;Ask and answer questions about growing crops;Identify conditions for growing crops;Use correctly the definite and indefinite articles.School Basic Material and other essential resources
08 – 07 – 12 – 07  3IV Farming    Importance of preserving food;Ways of minimizing effects of climate change; Countable and uncountable nouns;Describe types of faming;Explain the importance of food preservation;Describe ways of preserving food;Distinguish countable from uncountable nouns;Give examples of countable or uncountable nouns.Ask and answer questions about the importance of preserving food;Describe how to preserve or process crops, meat and fish;Apply countable and uncountable nouns in their daily speech.School Basic Material and other essential resources
15 – 07 – 19 – 07  3  IV Farming    Preparation for the 2nd  written testReview the taught units; Identify their doubts;Do group or individual work; Review compositions rules. Fortify their performance on taught contents;Consolidate the revised topics;Brush up the composition difficulties. School Basic Material and other essential resources
22 – 07 – 26 – 07  3      I; II and III Units        2nd Written testMeasure the level of their understanding concerning to the taught contents;Put into practice the contents learned;Find out the relationship between the taught and the evaluated contents.Answer perfectly the given tasks;Discover their strength and weakness in the taught themes.School Basic Material and other essential resources
29- 07 – 02 – 08  3III School and daily activitiesWays of minimizing effects of climate change; Importance of climate change for farming routine; Grammar Past continuous; Wh – question (what; when….)  Ask and answer questions about routine activities;Know the importance of scheduling activities; Draw the activities of the daily routine.Ask for and give information about school subjects;Ask for and tell time that a certain activity is done;Describe in oral and written the school and home routines.School Basic Material and other essential resources
05 – 08 – 09 – 08  3 Preparation for the trimestral written test;Review the Present perfect tense;Identify areas of their difficulties;Revise areas of their difficulties.Composition – revision; Get fortified on the taught contents;Consolidate the revised topics;Do the test successfully;School Basic Material and other essential resources
12 – 08 – 16 – 08  3 Trimestral written testMeasure the level of their understanding concerning to the tested contents;Put into practice the contents learnt;Answer perfectly the given tasks;Discover their strength and weakness in the taught themes.School Basic Material and other essential resources
   3 Correction and Delivery of the trimestral written test;Marks discussion and final average.Measure the degree of answering questions;Find out the relationship between the test and the content taught;Be aware of the final marks (average).Discover their weakness and find out a way to overcome their difficulties;Discover their weakness and their strength in the written test;Do Self-term performance evaluation.School Basic Material and other essential resources

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