Plano Analítico de Inglês – 8ª Classe/ III Trimestre/2024

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Encontre aqui o Plano Analítico de Inglês da 8ª Classe do 3º Trimestre do ano 2024 para baixar em formato Word, de forma grátis. – 1º Ciclo do Ensino secundário de Moçambique

Plano Analítico de Agropecuária -7ª Classe/ I Trimestre/2024
República de Moçambique

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Plano Analítico de Inglês – 8ª Classe – III Trimestre – Ano: 2024

. Scheme of Work       .Subject: English Language          .Term: Third                     Year: 2024Grade: 8
DatesNumber of the lessonsUnitsContentsLearning Objectives (Students will…)Learning Results (Students will be able to….)Aid Material
26- 08 – 30 – 08  3VII Managing our PlanetManaging our Planet Importance of the environment for human being;Desertification and deforestation; Importance of protecting the environment.        Talk about the importance of the environment for human beings;Discuss the impact of desertification and deforestation;Discuss the importance of protecting the environment;  Express opinion on the importance of protecting the environment;Ask and answer questions about ways to prevent soil erosion;Identify ways of protecting environment;.  School Basic Material and other essential resources
02 – 09 – 06 – 09  3 VII Managing our PlanetRecycling products Language function: Agreeing or disagreeing;Describing;  Explain the importance of recycling products;Discuss the importance of protecting the environment;Describe the environment in their communities  Explain how to recycle rubbish;Identify ways of protecting the environment;Ask and answer questions about ways to prevent soil erosion.  School Basic Material and other essential resources
09 – 09 – 13  – 09  3VII Managing our PlanetDiscussing;Giving advices and suggestions;  Explain the importance of recycling products;Explain how to recycle rubbish;  School Basic Material and other essential resources
16 – 09 – 20 – 09  3VII Managing our PlanetGrammar: Relative pronouns;Conditional (second)Suggestions(should/would);  Identify relative pronouns in the texts; Write second conditional clauses;Give suggestions using should and would.Identifies relative pronouns in the text…;Writes sentences using the second conditional;Gives suggestions using should and would.  School Basic Material and other essential resources
23 – 09 – 27 – 09  3 VII Managing our PlanetReflexive pronouns;Does and Don’ts;Must and Mustn’t;    Identify reflexive pronouns in the text;Use Does and Don’ts in communicative context;Use must and mustn’t to give suggestions and obligations.Identifies reflexive pronouns in the text ; • Use does, doesn’t, must and mustn’t to express information and suggestions.School Basic Material and other essential resources
30 – 09 – 04 – 10  3 VII Managing our Planet    1st written testMeasure the level of their understanding concerning to the taught contents ;Put into practice the learnt contents;Find out the relationship between the taught and  the evaluated content.Answer perfectly the given tasks;Discover their strength and weakness in the taught themes.School Basic Material and other essential resources
07- 10 – 11 – 10  3VIII   Health and Fitness      Causes and preventions of diseases related to malnutrition;Protection from common diseases;  Causes and cures of the most common diseases;  Discuss some causes and preventions of diseases related to malnutrition;Explain how to protect themselves and others from HIV/AIDS and other common diseases;Identify and talk about causes and prevention of the most common diseases.Asks and answer questions about health and nutrition;Gives advice and reasons for people to go to hospital to make voluntary tests;Describe the most common diseases and prevention measures;School Basic Material and other essential resources
14 – 10 – 18 – 10  3VIII    Health and Fitness  Balancing diet. Language function:Identifying and classifying;  Describing and explaining;Discuss the importance of having a balanced diet and exercise for a healthy living.Identify and talk about causes and prevention of the most common diseasesDiscuss the importance of having a balanced diet and exercise for a healthy living  Conducts a debate on health and nutrition;  Names different groups of nutrients.Describe the most common diseases and prevention measures.School Basic Material and other essential resources
21 – 10 – 25 – 10  3   VIII:  Health and Fitness  Grammar: Review conditions (second); Modals (can, may, will, should); The plural of nouns. (Preparation for the 2nd  written test)Review the second conditional clauses, modals verbs and the plural of nouns. Reviews the second conditional clauses, modals verbs and the plural of nouns.School Basic Material and other essential resources
28 – 10 – 01 – 11  3  VIII:  Health and Fitness    2nd Written testmeasure the level of their understanding concerning to the taught contents ;Put into practice the learnt contents;Find out the relationship between the taught and  the evaluated content..Answer perfectly the given tasks;Discover their strength and weakness in the taught themes.School Basic Material and other essential resources
04- 11 – 08 – 11  3 IX: . Occupations and professionsOccupations and professions;  Past and current demand of professions;  Language Functions:  Asking for and giving information;  Discuss the preferred occupations and professions and state the reason for the choiceDescribes the different occupations and professions and express their preference.School Basic Material and other essential resources
11 – 11 – 15 – 11  3IX: . Occupations and professionsPreparation for the trimestral written testIdentify areas of their difficulties;Revise areas of their difficulties.Composition – revision;Point out their doubts;Consolidate the revised topics;Do the test successfully;School Basic Material and other essential resources
18 – 11 – 22 – 11  3    VII -IXTrimestral written testMeasure the level of their understanding concerning to the tested contents;Put into practice the contents learnt;Answer perfectly the given tasks;Discover their strength and weakness in the taught themes.School Basic Material and other essential resources
25 – 11 – 29 – 11  3      VII -IXCorrection and Delivery of the trimestral written test;Marks discussion and final average.Measure the degree of answering questions;Find out the relationship between the test and the content taught;Be aware of the final marks (average).Discover their weakness and find out a way to overcome their difficulties;Discover their weakness and their strength in the written test;Do Self-term performance evaluation.School Basic Material and other essential resources

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